
Se afișează postări din septembrie, 2020

NodeJS - Npm - set global node_modules

Ever had the problem of 'XXXXX'( 'yarn' )  is not recognized as an internal or external command ?! The solution is as follows: mkdir % PROGRAMDATA % \npm setx PATH "%PROGRAMDATA%\npm;%PATH%" / M npm config set prefix % PROGRAMDATA % \npm Explanation: Create a folder in a sensible location to hold the globals (Microsoft is adamant that you shouldn't write to ProgramFiles, so %PROGRAMDATA% seems like the next logical place. The directory needs to be on the path, so use  setx .. /M  to set the system path (under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE). This is what requires you to run this in a shell with administrator permissions. Tell  npm  to use this new path. (Note: folder isn't visible in %PATH% in this shell, so you must open a new window). npm config ls - l | grep prefix -> This is to list all node_modules configured ...