
Se afișează postări din noiembrie, 2008

Salutations google

Google has put Themes support in Gmail !
I want to create a query that will select only the last "Something" from a table (in that table we mast have a date column !) (more about this here ) example: SELECT t.transaction_id,, c.comment, . . . c.datecreated FROM transactions t JOIN ( SELECT transaction_id, MAX(datecreated) as datecreated FROM transactioncomments GROUP BY transaction_id ) m ON t.transaction_id = m.transaction_id JOIN transactioncomments c ON t.transaction_id = c.transaction_id AND m.datecreated = t.datecreated

Getting the first & Second highest number record from a table

Let us say that we want the Second record afther the first we will have something like this : SELECT * FROM student ORDER BY Student.Name Asc LIMIT 1,1 or another example Selecting the first record showing the biggest grade in a exam for a student (just the first record) SELECT * FROM StudentGrades ORDER BY StudentGrades.Grade Desc LIMIT 0,1

Cool Menu Feature

Did you know that you can edit the Font/Bold/Italic/Color of a menu ?! Here it is how: Go to the menu editor and in the Message input box write the appropriate code like this: Then Generate the menu ... After that is finished in Your MPR file you will find something like this ... As you can see Vfp creates a nice command line that tells Vfp in which manner to format the menu. Tip: This feature goes back as long as VisualFoxpro 3.0 Thanks to Grigore Dolghin for showing me this.


If you press CTRL + SHIFT + "U" all the selected text is UPPERCASED CTRL + "U" - LOWERCASES the text Enjoy !

Kpra coo 3 iezi

Era o data o kpra haladita ce avea ksa in Pipera. Si 3 yezi. Mari bulangii. 1 mai fraer ca altu. Doolcik de kpra le zice intr o buna zi yezilor: -Dragii mey, eu merg la mall sa iau ceva tzoale, ca s-a lansat colectia de toamna-iarna. Incuiati usha si activati sistemul de alarma, sa nu vina loopul la voi. kand ma intorc, va kant la usha: "3 yezi bulangii, fug akum la D&G, Si va aduce mama voo okelari cu rama noua Ktarama de metal cat zabala de la cal, Si trei blooze cu sclipici, si adidasi cu "arici" Un mobil de la Vertu, k sa tzi moara dooshmanu'" - Ati bagat la mansarda, mici fraeri cokliti ce sintetzi? - Da, mamook. Tu doote la mall, avem noi grija! Hai, paaaaa, te poooop, kisses :x:x:X Si kpra pleaca. Loopool era insa dupe zid. Smekerul, kre era numa figuri plin cluburi, moorea de foame. Si le puse gand rau celor 3 yezi. Si-a dres vocea si a inceput sa kante la usha: - 3 yezi bulangii, ma imbrak la D&G…. Yedool mare, bocna de fraer, a sarit sa deschid...